IBS Wrap Up 2024
IBS Wrap Up 2024

IBS Wrap Up 2024
We marched the halls of the Las Vegas Convention Center once again. This time for our first tradeshow of the year! The NAHB International Builder’s Show opened their doors from February 27th to the 29th, and we were happy to be one of many exhibitors at this year’s show. We had the pleasure of joining all other building material exhibitors at the Central Hall. It was a great spot for all 618 visitors who stopped by our booth.
Like always, we featured a wide range of Mockett products. Our tradeshow team did a great job hand-picking parts they thought visitors would like to see as well as some new, and upcoming products. Our classic DP3 Drawer Pulls are our most coveted product part so we love to showcase them wherever we go. It’s always great to let everyone see what our best sellers look like in person, and we got to showcase a ton of our new products. You can see most of them here.
We also had a couple of upcoming products that will be guaranteed best sellers when they debut this year. Up first we have the PCS98B that features two power units - clamp mount with USB-A, USB-C and two power outlets PLUS an undermount power unit with six power receptacles. It’s all the power you need. Another upcoming power unit is the PCS131, a motorized pop-up unit with a wireless charging top that lifts at the push of a button to reveal both power and data options underneath, perfect for conference tables and workstation. These and more were unveiled at this year’s IBS. Expect to hear more about these in the coming months.
With the popularity of our power units, we’ve continued to offer visitors a chance to win one of our wireless chargers, a WCS10! We raffled off one unit per day - congratulations to attendees Kara V. of Edmond, OK, Mark S. of Newport Beach, CA, and Sandra M. of Salt Lake City, Utah!
Don’t miss us at our next show! We’ll be back in Vegas for the 2024 HD Expo + Conference. Click here to register for free as our guest. We hope to see you then!